金光照, 包晓旭, 陈 宓. 中老年群体数字技能掌握层次对生活满意度的影响与作用机制:基于专项调查数据的分析. 2024. biomedRxiv.202411.00010
通讯作者: 陈 宓, chenmi0514@ruc.edu.cn
Influence and Mechanism of Digital Skills Mastery on the Life Satisfaction among Middle- and Old-aged Adults: An Analysis Based on a Special Survey Data
Corresponding author: Chen Mi, chenmi0514@ruc.edu.cn
Abstract: Objective: To analyze the influence of digital skills mastery on life satisfaction among middle- and old-aged adults and explore the underlying mechanism. Methods: Using the latest empirical data, this study employs latent category analysis, ordered logistic regression, generalized propensity score matching, generalized structural equation model, and KHB decomposition. Results: Internet users are classified into basic survival, practical life, and advanced mastery types based on their digital skills; Higher levels of digital skills mastery significantly improve life satisfaction, though the effect plateaus after initial gains; social connection effect and health information effect positively, while negative experience effect negatively, mediate this relationship, with health information effect contributing the most to the mediating effect. Conclusion: Higher levels of digital skills mastery can improve life satisfaction among middle- and old-aged adults, but it presents a ‘double-edged sword’ effect. Expanding network coverage, enhancing digital skills, and improving the digital environment are essential to better integrate middle- and old-aged adults into the digital society and mitigate negative impacts.
Key words: Middle- and old-aged Internet users; Digital skills mastery; Life satisfaction; Mediating effects提交时间:2024-11-07
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序号 提交日期 编号 操作 1 2024-07-28 bmr.202411.00010V1
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