• 国家药监局综合司 国家卫生健康委办公厅
  • 国家药监局综合司 国家卫生健康委办公厅


通讯作者: 孔德舜, 575532935@qq.com

Application of regulating qi in treating senile constipation

  • 摘要:便秘是严重影响老年人健康的社区常见病、多发病。其病机为大肠传导失司,大便排出不畅。老年人的体质复杂,老年性便秘常为多个脏腑功能失调,多病程长且难治。随着病程的发展、证型的不断变化,在临床治疗上除补虚泻实、随证治之外,理气法贯穿始终。针对不同证型配伍相应调理气机的药物:脾胃虚弱则健脾益气,肺气郁闭则宣肺通腑,湿热胶着则化湿清气,气阴亏虚则润肠益气。本文以期从理气法入手,归纳总结其在老年性便秘中的应用。

    关键词: 理气法老年性便秘中医药社区常见病老年人


    Abstract: Constipation is a common and serious community disease that seriously affects the health of the elderly. Its pathogenesis is the failure of the large intestine to transmit waste, resulting in difficulty in excreting feces. The physiology of the elderly is complex, and elderly constipation is often caused by multiple organ dysfunctions and a long disease course. As the disease progresses and the syndrome changes, in addition to supplementing deficiencies and eliminating excesses and treating according to the syndrome, the principle of regulating qi runs throughout the clinical treatment. Different syndromes are treated with corresponding drugs to regulate qi: healthy stomach and spleen are treated with tonifying qi and promoting blood; lung qi is obstructed, so it is treated with promoting lung function and unblocking the intestines; damp heat is stuck, so it is treated with resolving dampness and clearing heat; and qi and yin deficiency is treated with nourishing intestines and promoting qi. This article aims to summarize the application of regulating qi in the treatment of elderly constipation.

    Key words: Method of regulating qi; senile constipation; traditional Chinese medicine; common diseases in the community; elderly people


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  • 序号 提交日期 编号 操作
    1 2024-09-28


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孔德舜, 付金香. 理气法在治疗老年性便秘中的应用. 2024. biomedRxiv.202410.00041


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