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  • 国家药监局综合司 国家卫生健康委办公厅


通讯作者: 侯吟儿, 2531068411@qq.com

Experience of the treatment of insomnia from the theory of ‘Harmony and Stability’

  • 摘要:桑杲教授认为只有人体阴阳、气血、脏腑、情志等和谐稳定,方能百病不生、机体健康,并以此为基础提出“和稳论”这一学术理念。据多项调查显示,儿童不寐发病率正逐年升高。相较西医,中医治疗小儿不寐具有简、便、廉、验的优点。桑教授结合临床经验,指出儿童不寐多因饮食、起居、情志失常所引起,种种因素,或使心神被扰,或使神魂失养,终致睡眠异常、夜卧不安。临床论治本病,桑教授常从“和稳论”出发,强调“以和为贵”,根据其病因病机之不同,分别用以和运脏腑、和调气血、和畅情志的治法,方证契合,收效显著。附典型验案1则,以资验证。

    关键词: 不寐睡眠障碍小儿和稳论桑杲


    Abstract: Professor Sang Gao believes that only the human body yin and yang, qi and blood, viscera, emotions and other harmonious and stable, can not be ill, the body is healthy, and on this basis, put forward the academic concept of harmony and stability theory . According to a number of surveys, the incidence of insomnia in children is increasing year by year. Compared with western medicine, traditional Chinese medicine has the advantages of simple, convenient, inexpensive and effective in the treatment of insomnia in children. Combined with clinical experience, Professor Sang pointed out that children s insomnia is mostly caused by eating, living and emotional disorders. Various factors may disturb the mind or deprive the soul, resulting in abnormal sleep and restless night. In the clinical treatment of this disease, Professor Sang often starts from the theory of harmony and stability and emphasizes that harmony is precious . According to the different etiology and pathogenesis, he uses the methods of harmonizing and transporting viscera, harmonizing and regulating qi and blood, and harmonizing emotions respectively. The combination of prescriptions and syndromes has achieved remarkable results. One typical case is attached for verification.

    Key words: insomnia; sleep disorders; children; the theory of‘Harmony and Stability’; Sang Gao


  • 图表

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    1 2024-05-28


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侯吟儿. 基于“和稳论”论治小儿不寐经验. 2024. biomedRxiv.202407.00028


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