• 国家药监局综合司 国家卫生健康委办公厅
  • 国家药监局综合司 国家卫生健康委办公厅


通讯作者: 张锋, trees_357@126.com

Named Entity Recognition in Chinese Electronic Medical Records Using Knowledge Graph Construction

Corresponding author: zhangfeng, trees_357@126.com
  • 摘要:摘要 目的/意义探索基于中文电子病历的命名实体识方法在构建医学知识图谱和相关应用推广中的技术可行性。方法/过程采用真实医疗电子病历数据对词嵌入表示模型进行精化,构建医学术语专有的嵌入表示,并利用卷积神经网络等多模型来提取局部语义特征,实现基于堆叠注意网络的中文医疗命名实体识别。结果/结论本研究中堆叠注意网络模型在F1值上达到91.5%,相比其他模型具备更强的医疗命名实体识别性能。在研究通过提出新颖的堆叠注意网络,进一步解决中文医疗命名实体识别的难点,在实现全局语义特征全面深入提取的同时降低时间成本。

    关键词: 电子病历知识图谱命名实体识别堆叠注意网络预训练语言模型


    Abstract: Abstract Objective/Meaning: To explore the technical feasibility of named entity recognition method based on Chinese electronic medical records in the construction of medical knowledge map and related application promotion. Methods/Process: Using the large-scale real-world medical electronic medical record data to fine-tune the word embedding representation model RoBERTa to build the proprietary embedded representations of the medical terms. Leveraging convolutional neural network model to extract local semantic features. Finally, a stacked BiLSTM is constructed, which has a multi-layer structure and a novel stacked method. Results/Conclusions: The stacked attention network model proposed in this paper achieves 91.5% on F1 value, which has a stronger medical named entity recognition performance than other advanced models. The stacked attention network is proposed to further solve the task of Chinese medical named entity recognition, which can achieve comprehensive and in-depth extraction of global semantic features and reduce the time cost.

    Key words: Electronic Medical Record; Knowledge Graph; Named Entity Recognition; Stacked Attention Network; Bidirectional Encoder Representation from Transformers


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  • 序号 提交日期 编号 操作
    1 2023-04-06


  • 公开评论  匿名评论  仅发给作者


陈婕卿, 竹志超, 张锋, 曾可, 姜会珍, 程振宁. 面向知识图谱构建的中文电子病历命名实体识别方法研究. 2023. biomedRxiv.202312.00011


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