• 国家药监局综合司 国家卫生健康委办公厅
  • 国家药监局综合司 国家卫生健康委办公厅


通讯作者: 王琳华, 24209378@qq.com

Design and application of new generation outpatient doctor station

Corresponding author: WANG Lin-hua, 24209378@qq.com
  • 摘要:目的 结合智慧医院和电子病历分级评审标准,依托院内集成平台,以门诊医生核心业务环节为主线,实现新版门诊医生工作站对门诊诊前、诊中、诊后信息全面贯通,更好为医院智慧门诊医疗服务。方法 以国家出台的相关政策为导向,前期对各个科室门诊医生进行充分调研,梳理业务数据流程和功能点,通过打造门诊医生核心业务闭环,实现数据流、业务流全面一致性建设。通过引入门诊结构化电子病历、智能语音录入、辅助录入智能工具、各类集成统一视图、自定义打印、统计报表、输入法、参数等等,为门诊医生方便快捷的接诊提供支持。结果 经过一系列的调研、梳理、设计、改造工作,成功实施了新版门诊医生站的上线任务,完善了门诊医生站的架构和功能建设,使门诊医生操作更便捷、数据更规范、书写更高效。结论 本文结合实际,从门诊医生需求出发,通过信息化手段,将技术业务流程相融合,全面提升医院电子病历应用等级,提升了医院的智慧医疗水平。

    关键词: 新一代,门诊医生站,经验,平台,结构化


    Abstract: Objective:Based on the smart hospital and EMR grading evaluation standards, relying on the hospital integration platform and taking the core business links of outpatient doctors as the main line, the new version of outpatient doctor workstation can fully understand the information of outpatient before, during and after diagnosis, so as to better serve the hospitals smart outpatient. Methods:Guided by the relevant policies issued by the state, the outpatient doctors of various departments were fully investigated in the early stage, and the business data process and function points were sorted out. By creating the core business closed-loop of outpatient doctors, the comprehensive consistency construction of data flow and business flow was realized. Through the introduction of outpatient structured electronic medical records, intelligent voice input, auxiliary input intelligent tools, all kinds of integrated unified view, user-defined printing, statistical reports, input method, parameters and so on, at the same time, it provides convenient and fast reception support for outpatient doctors.Results: After a series of research, carding, design and transformation, we successfully implemented the online task of the new version of outpatient doctor station, improved the structure and function construction of outpatient doctor station, and made the operation of outpatient doctor more convenient, data more standardized and writing more efficient.Conclusion: In this paper, based on the actual needs of outpatient doctors, through the means of information technology, the integration of technology and business process, comprehensively improve the application level of hospital electronic medical record, and improve the level of hospital intelligent medical.

    Key words: new; generation, outpatient; doctor station, experience,platform,structured


  • 图表

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    1 2021-08-02


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王琳华. 新一代门诊医生站的设计与应用. 2021. biomedRxiv.202108.00020


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