• 国家药监局综合司 国家卫生健康委办公厅
  • 国家药监局综合司 国家卫生健康委办公厅


通讯作者: 李亚子, li.yazi@imicams.ac.cn

The process and prospect of information construction of immediate reimbursement of inter-provincial healthcare in China

Corresponding author: Li Ya-zi, li.yazi@imicams.ac.cn
  • 摘要:在人口流动常态化以及医疗资源不平衡的大背景下,跨省异地就医直接结算需求愈发迫切,相关部门和各级政府不断完善基本医保异地就医直接结算服务体系,并取得积极成效。信息化作为联通跨省异地就医医疗机构、经办机构和参保人的“业务纽带”,在规范跨省就医秩序、提升结算效率、强化基金监管等多方面发挥了重要作用。本文通过将跨省异地就医直接结算信息化发展划分为省际间点对点探索信息化(2014年至2016年),以国家异地就医直接结算系统为枢纽的平台式信息化建设期(2016年至2018年),以及以国家医保信息平台为核心的整合服务式信息化提升期(2018年以后)三个阶段,对不同阶段的建设内容和特点进行梳理,并总结其建设成效,进而结合当前异地就医直接结算工作推进的主要方向进一步展望其信息化建设的发展趋势,为系统凝练跨省异地就医直接结算信息化建设经验提供参考。

    关键词: 跨省异地就医,直接结算,信息化,基本医保


    Abstract: In the context of the normalization of population flow and the imbalance of medical resources, the need for immediate reimbursement from basic medical insurance for inter-provincial healthcare is more and more urgent. Relevant departments and governments at all levels have continuously improved the immediate reimbursement service of basic medical insurance, and achieved positive results. Informationization, as a business link connecting inter-provincial long-distance medical institutions, handling institutions and insured persons, has played an important role in promoting normal inter-provincial medical order, improving reimbursement efficiency and strengthening fund supervision. This paper divides the process of cross-provincial direct immediate reimbursement information construction into 3 stages as inter-provincial point-to-point exploration information (from 2014 to 2016), the platform information construction period (from 2016 to 2018) with the national direct settlement system, and on national healthcare insurance information platform as the core of the integration of service information promotion period (after 2018). The content and characteristics of these stages of construction were analyzed, and its construction effect was summarized. Combined with the current situation, we concluded the prospection of informationization for immediate reimbursement for inter-provincial healthcare, in order to provide reference for the information construction.

    Key words: inter-provincia healthcare, immediate reimbursement, informationization, basic medical insurance


  • 图表

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  • 序号 提交日期 编号 操作
    1 2021-08-05


  • 公开评论  匿名评论  仅发给作者


郭珉江, 刘阳, 陆春吉, 姜骁桐, 李亚子. 我国跨省异地就医直接结算信息化建设历程与展望. 2021. biomedRxiv.202108.00003




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