• 国家药监局综合司 国家卫生健康委办公厅
  • 国家药监局综合司 国家卫生健康委办公厅


通讯作者: 洪艳坤, 78031536@qq.com

Research on the development of information technology ability of medical teachers in the Internet plus era

Corresponding author: Hong Yankun, 78031536@qq.com
  • 摘要:信息技术能力是“互联网+”时代高校医学教师专业素养的重要组成部分。高校医学教师只有掌握现代信息技术理念和手段,才能适应“互联网+教育”环境以满足信息化教学的变革。本研究介绍“互联网+”对高校教育教学的影响,结合文献查阅和现状分析,定义高校医学教师信息技术能力,指出“互联网+”时代高校医学教师信息技术能力存在的问题,阐述以“理念-管理-知识-培训-评价”为主线的教师教育信息技术能力发展路径,为我国高校教师信息技术能力的研究提供参考。

    关键词: “互联网+”;医学教师;信息技术能力;存在问题;发展路径


    Abstract: Information technology capability is an important part of the professional quality of medical teachers in universities in the Internet plus era. Only when mastering modern information technology concepts and means can university medical teachers adapt to the Internet plus education environment to meet the needs of information teaching. This study illustrates the impact of Internet plus on the teaching and learning in higher education. Combined with literature review and qualitative analysis, it defines the information technology capability of medical teachers in universities, points out the existing problems of information technology capability of medical teachers in the Internet plus era, and expounds the development path of teachers information technology ability, which is the main line of idea-management-knowledge-training-evaluation. It provides a reference for the research of information technology ability in Chinese universities.

    Key words: Internet plus; Medical teachers; Information technology ability; existing problems; Development path


  • 图表

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  • 序号 提交日期 编号 操作
    2 2021-06-28


    1 2021-06-28


  • 公开评论  匿名评论  仅发给作者


洪艳坤, 邹丽. “互联网+”时代医学教师信息技术能力发展研究. 2021. biomedRxiv.202106.00009


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