• 国家药监局综合司 国家卫生健康委办公厅
  • 国家药监局综合司 国家卫生健康委办公厅


通讯作者: 胡丹, hudan@bjmu.edu.cn

Integrating path of county level medical consortium from the perspective of actor-centered institutionalism

Corresponding author: Hu Dan, hudan@bjmu.edu.cn
  • 摘要:国家卫生健康委《关于推进紧密型县域医疗卫生共同体建设的通知》(2019年5月)明确了构建县域紧密型医共体建设的政策目标。从现有的医疗资源分配机制来看,在政策执行过程中,推动县域医共体行动者间的有效互动和协调行动才能顺利达成政策目标,并切实优化医疗资源配置,提升县域医疗服务能力。基于行动者中心制度主义理论框架,本文分析县域紧密型医共体建设相关行动者的关系,揭示县域医共体构建中不同行动者受利益诉求、动机选择等多重博弈关系的影响状况。探讨紧密型县域医共体的建构进程中,如何促成行动者之间达成利益相容和联动,最大限度满足县域人民群众获得优质高效的一体化医疗服务。

    关键词: 紧密型医共体;松散型医共体;行动者中心制度主义;县域医改;多重博弈


    Abstract: In May 2019, the National Health Commission issued the Notice on Promoting the Construction of a Close county level medical consortium , marking that the medical consortium has become a powerful starting point for county medical and health reform. Judging from the existing medical resource allocation mechanism, in the process of policy implementation, only by promoting effective interaction and coordinated actions among the actors of the county-level medical community can the policy goals be successfully achieved, and the allocation of medical resources can be effectively optimized. This paper takes the actor-centered institutionalism as the theoretical framework, and highlights the relationship between the system and the actors. From this, it is found that there are multiple game relationships implicit in the county medical consortium model, and different actors have different interests and motivation choices. Based on this, the article explores the construction path of loose to tight medical consortium, how to promote interest compatibility and linkage between actors, and maximize the satisfaction of the people’s demand for high-quality and efficient integrated medical services.

    Key words: tight medical consortium;loose medical consortium;actor-centered institutionalism;county level medical reform;multiple games


  • 图表

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  • 序号 提交日期 编号 操作
    1 2021-01-01


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张圣捷, 崔志胜, 雷超, 胡丹. 行动者中心制度主义视角下县域医疗卫生服务整合路径析论. 2021. biomedRxiv.202101.00016


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