• 国家药监局综合司 国家卫生健康委办公厅
  • 国家药监局综合司 国家卫生健康委办公厅


通讯作者: 周丽金, muyuexuan0331@163.com

Study on Difficult Family Environment and inequality of Childrens Health opportunity——Based on the Survey in Seven Provinces

Corresponding author: Zhou Li Jin, muyuexuan0331@163.com
  • 摘要:儿童健康是健康中国建设的基础,是我国社会可持续发展的重要保障。家庭是儿童健康成长的重要环境。文章基于相互作用的家庭环境系统框架,依据2018年在我国7省份进行的“困境家庭儿童健康状况”专项调查数据,使用基于有序多分类回归的夏普里值(Shapley)分解,详细考察了家庭环境因素导致困境家庭儿童健康机会不平等及其相对贡献。结果发现:家庭环境是导致困境家庭儿童心理健康机会不平等的主要因素。从各个家庭环境因素的相对贡献来看:家庭关系是影响困境家庭儿童自评健康和儿童认知机会不平等的主要原因,而影响困境家庭儿童心理健康机会不平等的主要因素则是家庭经济状况。对于普通家庭儿童来说,各家庭环境因素对儿童获得健康的影响相对均衡。最后,文章就改善困境家庭儿童各维度健康的机会差异等问题进行了讨论。

    关键词: 困境家庭环境儿童健康夏普里值分解影响因素与贡献机会不平等


    Abstract: Childrens health is the foundation of building a healthy China and an important guarantee for the sustainable development of our society. Family is an important environment for children to grow up healthily. This paper presents a systematic framework of family environment based on interaction. According to the data of the special survey on the health status of children from needy families conducted in seven provinces of China in 2018. Using the Shapley value (Shapley) decomposition based on ordered multi-classification regression, this paper examines in detail the inequality of health opportunities and its relative contribution to children from poor families caused by family environmental factors. The results show that family environment is the main factor leading to the inequality of mental health opportunities for children in difficult families. From the relative contribution of various family environmental factors: family relationship is the main reason that affects the self-rated health of children in difficult families and the inequality of childrens cognitive opportunities, while the main factor affecting the inequality of mental health opportunities of children in difficult families is the family economic status. For ordinary family children, the impact of family environmental factors on childrens access to health is relatively balanced. Finally, the paper discusses the opportunities to improve the health of children from struggling families in different dimensions.

    Key words: Difficult Family Environment; Child Health; Shapley Value Decomposition; Influencing Factors and Contributions; Inequality of Opportunity


  • 图表

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  • 序号 提交日期 编号 操作
    1 2020-11-28


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杜本峰, 周丽金, 王翾. 困境家庭环境与儿童健康机会不平等研究. 2021. biomedRxiv.202011.00018


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