• 国家药监局综合司 国家卫生健康委办公厅
  • 国家药监局综合司 国家卫生健康委办公厅


通讯作者: 郭清, louisguoqing@126.com

Research on Public-Private Parthnership Model of Community Medical-Nursing Integration Service Based on Grounded Theory

Corresponding author: GUO Qing, louisguoqing@126.com
  • 摘要:目的:探讨社区医养结合服务公私合作模式的动因、策略和障碍,为我国社区医养结合服务供给侧改革提供参考。方法:运用扎根理论法,聚焦社区医养结合服务公私合作的典型案例,借助Nvivo12 质化分析软件对相关主体的访谈记录及政策文本资料进行编码和分析。结果:经过开放性编码、主轴性编码及选择性编码,共得到45个初级概念、12个范畴和3个主范畴。根据扎根理论“条件—现象—行动/互动策略—结果”的典范模型,自下而上建构起社区医养结合服务公私合作的理论模型。结论:社区医养结合服务公私合作的动因包括老年人医养需求高、国家政策导向和地方政府推动;合作的策略包括建立伙伴关系、资源整合与共享、动员老年人参与;合作的障碍有体制困境、双方信任缺失、基层服务能力有限、激励不到位、公益性与趋利性的矛盾、缺少第三方监督评估。

    关键词: 社区医养结合服务公私合作扎根理论


    Abstract: Objective: To explore the motivations, strategies and obstacles of the public-private parthnership model of integrated medical and nursing services in the community, and to provide references for the reform of the supply-side community integrated medical and elderly services in my country. Methods: Using grounded theory methods, focusing on typical cases of public-private parthnership in community medical and nursing services, and using NVivo12 qualitative analysis software to encode and analyze the interview records and relevant policy texts. Results: After open coding, main axis coding and selective coding, a total of 45 primary concepts, 12 categories and 3 main categories were obtained. Based on the model of grounded theory conditions-phenomenon-actions/interaction strategies-results, a theoretical model of public-private parthnership of community medical and nursing services is constructed from the bottom up. Conclusion: The motivations of public-private parthnership in community medical and nursing integration services include high demand for medical and nursing care for the elderly, national policy guidance and local government promotion; cooperation strategies include the establishment of partnerships, resource integration and sharing, and mobilization of elderly participation; barriers to cooperation are institutional Difficulties, lack of trust between both parties, limited grassroots service capabilities, inadequate incentives, contradictions between public welfare and profitability, and lack of third-party supervision and evaluation.

    Key words: Community medical-nursing integration services; Public-private parthnership; Grounded theory


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  • 序号 提交日期 编号 操作
    1 2020-10-22


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王晓晓, 郭清, 刘新功, 陈雅婷, 边森森, 司建平, 任建萍. 基于扎根理论的社区医养结合服务公私合作模式研究. 2021. biomedRxiv.202010.00844


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