• 国家药监局综合司 国家卫生健康委办公厅
  • 国家药监局综合司 国家卫生健康委办公厅
6 results
Research Progress of CCR and metabolic syndrome and its related diseases
Zhenghaijuan, NiuXiaohan
DOI: 10.12201/bmr.202501.00048    Publication time:  16 January 2025
Abstract(84) PDF(1)
The correlation between serum MHR, NLR, and PLR with essential hypertension
YUE xiaobo, ZHAO Xingsheng
DOI: 10.12201/bmr.202411.00052    Publication time:  6 December 2024
Abstract(147) PDF(0)
Study and evaluation of diagnostic methods for HIV co-infection with tuberculosis: a network meta-analysis
GU Yanhong
DOI: 10.12201/bmr.202411.00005    Publication time:  18 November 2024
Abstract(138) PDF(0)
Progress of ventricular tachycardia with epicardial origin
you bq, yu rh
DOI: 10.12201/bmr.202306.00019    Publication time:  12 September 2023
Abstract(473) PDF(1)
Correlation between psychological stress and metabolic-associated fatty liver disease
JIA Chen, GONG Yan, HAN Yijing, JIANG Jianan, LIU Weizheng, ZHANG Daxu, LU Wenping
DOI: 10.12201/bmr.202204.00003    Publication time:  14 April 2022
Abstract(1024) PDF(21)
Research progress of Chinese Medicine in the prevention and treatment of atherosclerotic vulnerable plaque by the regulation of macrophage polarization
DOI: 10.12201/bmr.202004.00005    Publication time:  3 April 2020
Abstract(5811) PDF(5)