杨威, 罗敏. 基于调中复衡理论探讨慢性便秘辨治新思路. 2025. biomedRxiv.202501.00070
通讯作者: 罗敏, min3813493@163.com
Corresponding author: luomin, min3813493@163.com
Abstract: Based on the theory of“Harmonizing the Center to Restore Balance”, it explores the relationship between internal organs, qi and blood, cold and heat, deficiency and solidity and constipation in terms of physiology, pathology and treatment. The main causes of constipation are internal injuries, deficiency of yin and yang, qi and blood, etc. Its basic pathology is a failure of conduction in the large intestine, which is closely related to the spleen and stomach, and the treatment should follow the overall concept of Chinese medicine and the principle of diagnosis and treatment, based on the principle of “regulating the middle” and the goal of “rebalancing”, which can not only improve the symptoms of constipation and regulate the function of the intestine, but also play a role in regulating the overall function of the body. It can not only improve the symptoms of constipation and regulate the intestinal function, but also regulate the overall function of the body.
Key words: Harmonizing the Center to Restore Balance; ; insomnia; holistic diagnosis and treatment (TCM)提交时间:2025-01-23
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序号 提交日期 编号 操作 1 2025-01-16 bmr.202501.00070V1
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